Thursday, July 15, 2010


Beccy was blessed with a wonderful nurse who came out every day to clean her wound and change her bandages. Miss Kathy was a great friend to the whole family. She brought treats for the boys and provided good companionship to Beccy. What a blessing she was to all of us! One day she said that another patient had invited the boys to a fishing derby at a pond south of town. Sarah had come with the girls, so we took Beth, Seth, Leah and Gavin to the fishing derby. No fish were caught, but everyone had a good time, especially since all the children got prizes whether they caught fish or not! Papa Buzz was wonderful putting worms on the hook and untangling lines!

Here's everyone getting ready to fish.

Beth was our best fisherman. She even touched the worms!

Everyone got a try at the poles.

Here's a picture of Miss Kathy with the boys. They even fed the kids hot dogs and cupcakes with blue icing and gummy worms on them.

Two happy cousins

I even got in one of the shots.

Leah won the first prize. She loved her little animals.

Here's Beth with hers.

Seth thought he got the best prize with matchbox cars.

Gavin won a leopard hat. Here he is with Papa Buzz in his fishing hat.

We only fished about an hour, which was plenty for these small kids, but everyone had a great time.


  1. How fun! It looks like the cousins had so much fun. I am glad they were able to spend some good time together.

  2. That's awesome! Love the pictures!
