Thursday, July 30, 2009

Note to my children

I refuse to be held responsible for anything I say or do after 10:00 PM! Sorry I upset you Rachel.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Garden City

Here's the first post from our vacation. We stopped in Garden City, Kansas to visit my Tancayo cousins. Harry had a great time at Jimmy's motorcycle shop, right up until he dropped a motorcycle while test riding it. He suffered lots of road rash and some back pain, but otherwise is fine.

Even with that, it was wonderful visiting with them and I
hope we get to see them lots more.

Here's a picture of Jimmy with his brand new granddaughter Molly, Harry and me at the cycle shop, Rebecca with Molly, and Hazel Jo and Jimmy together.

There is also a picture of Harry and his road rash on the bike he dropped.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Here's the patio and walkway after the landscaping was put in. We left for Colorado right after it was done, so we haven't been able to use them yet, but are really looking forward to it.