Friday, November 20, 2009


If you have seen Sarah's blog about these pictures, you can skip this one. For the rest of you, every year the farmer who plants the field next to our house lets the neighborhood kids ride along when he is harvesting. This year, Beth and Leah were here when it was harvest time, so they got to ride on the big tractor. Leah was so small she had to sit on the driver's lap. I think they had a good time. Since there weren't any other kids around for a while, they got a good long ride. I hope that when they get older, they will appreciate how special something like this is for city kids.

Here are the girls climbing into the tractor.

They were in the tractor that was pulling the wagon full of corn after the combine filled it.

After the tractor ride, we threw hedge apples out of the yard into the trees next to our lot. Leah loved finding and throwing the littlest ones.

Beth just liked running in the fall weather.

And Anna stayed close to Mom.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mexican Fiesta part 3

We didn't have time to finish the Fiesta on the first day, so here's the Hat dance again with Anna this time, and Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

Leah wanted to dress up.

Anna danced with us.

Leah pins on her tail.

Beth pins on hers.

Here's a video of the Mexican Hat Dance. Julia and little Jasmine joined us at the end.

Mexican Fiesta part 2

Beth and Leah couldn't come to Colorado for cousin camp, so Aunt Beccy sent all the things home for me to do it with them. I think they really enjoyed it, although they missed their cousins a lot.

Here we are making tissue flowers to decorate with.

You can see the chili lights festooning the room in the background as we made the flowers. Thanks Miss Julia for helping.

Here are the girls coloring Mexican flags. We didn't get a picture of them playing marbles.

Leah loved the Mexican Hat dance.

Beth made her own decorations with her flower and sombrero, as well as a princess dress.

Thanks for the cool cups, Aunt Beccy. And thanks for thinking of Beth and Leah.

Anna's birthday at the zoo

We had Anna's first birthday party at the Columbus Zoo. We had thought there were picnic tables near the parking lot, but there weren't, so we wound up tailgating. It was cold in the parking lot, but much nicer once we got inside the zoo. Besides having both sets of Grandparents, Anna had Aunt Katie, Uncle Ben. and Mary Joyce Climie with her kids. We had a lot of fun.

Here's a picture of the great monkey cake Aunt Katie made for Anna. she even had grass cookis for the kids.

Anna loves her Papa John.

After we got inside the gate, it took a little while to decide where to go first (plus get a bathroom break. That's where the missing people are)

Leah, Nini and Lydia loved the elephants.

Beth got a ride on her own elephant.

So did Leah.

Lydia, Samantha, Leah and Beth posed for us.

Here are the three Seidel girls.

Anna toddled around with her bottle. I think she enjoyed her birthday party.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trip to the apple orchard

After Denver, the Hoff's and I went to Omaha to see Beccy's family. We made a trip to a local apple orchard to pick apples. There was a playground there, so the kids had fun besides picking apples. We had a picnic lunch there, but didn't get to drink the apple cider we bought because the bees kept getting to the cups first. We wound up drinking in the car. It was a lot of fun.

We all managed to fit in one car. Here we are getting ready to go.

Everybody heads for the trees.

Beccy got a great photo shoot with Gavin.

Seth and Ben loved the playground, especially the playhouse.

Seth contemplates the rings.

Katie loved climbing.

September birthdays

Our family has a lot of September birthdays. When we are in the same area, we try to celebrate together. This year there were six of us.
From left to right Christa Brooner, Ginger Seidel, Abby Leonard, Deb Brooner, Erick Brooner, Ethan Moses.

Georgetown Loop with the Thompsons

When I was in Denver I got to spend some time with each of my girls. I went to Colorado Springs with Rachel, to Fort Collins to see our good friends the Boltons (sorry, no pictures) with Abby, and to the Georgetown Loop Railroad with Beccy and her boys. We loved taking the train.
Here's Beccy taking a picture of the train crossing the loop.

On the bridge over Clear Creek.

Getting ready to board the train.

Beccy and Seth on the train. Thanks for the fun, Beccy!

Cousin Camp Mexican Fiesta part 1

If Beccy ever wants a job, she should be an event planner. Her first cousin camp was such a success that Ben told his mom cousin camp was the thing he really wanted to do when he was in the US. Beccy planned a marvelous Mexican Fiesta this time. Pete and Sarah's kids couldn't come, so we had part one in Denver with everyone else and then I took most of the things home to do with Beth and Leah.

Beccy started with a story about Mexico.

Beccy had chili's to decorate the lights and we made tissue flowers, which you can see in some of the pictures. The kids also colored Mexican flags. Here is the Mexican hat dance.

Beccy brought a Spanish language video, which the kids enjoyed dancing to and the parents enjoyed making fun of. We can now rock in Spanish, sort of!

While the younger kids were napping, we taught them to play marbles, which Seth's Uncle Isai says kids in Mexico also like to play.

We also tried to get a cousin picture, but this was the best we could do

One thing the kids had looked forward to all day was the pinata. You can see that the kids had lots of fun trying to break it. We finally had to have adults take on the task, but in the end it was stronger than any of us, and also stronger than the packaging on the candy, so we ripped it apart with our hands. The kids didn't care!

Here's Katie taking a turn. You can't say the kids didn't give it their best.

Ben really got into the swing of things.

Hannah wasn't too sure about how you do this.

Audrey was a little better.

Gavin got in a good swing, too.

Isaac really whacked it!

Uncle Craig gave it a good swing.

I even tried my best. That was one stubborn pinata.

Picking up the loot

Eating the candy. Notice the flowers. The kids made great ones.

After supper we tried Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Aunt Beccy helps Hannah

Uncle Craig was a good sport!

I don't think feeling for where to put the tail is cheating, and neither does Craig.

Katie got her tail on the donkey's head (but Uncle Greg put his on Aunt Abby). It was a great festival. Thanks Aunt Beccy!!